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Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): Whoever gives financial aid to the poor and treats people fairly is a true believer.

With the efforts and participation of precious benefactors of Ashraf Al-Anbiya (PBUH) charity organization and at the same time as the blessed and merciful days of the birth of Hazrat Ashraf Al-Anbiya (PBUH) and Imam Jafar Sadiq (AS), the gift card (Electronic food card for stores) to the families supported by Ashraf Charity The Prophets (pbuh) were credited with the amount of one billion and eight hundred million Rials.

Households supported by the charity can choose and prepare the items they need according to their taste by visiting the nearest chain store of the contracting party while maintaining their dignity.

May the birthday of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) be celebrated


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Posted 1 year ago

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