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Imam Ali (A) says:
Be a good person and do not consider the good deeds small, because the small ones are big and the little ones are many.
(Nahj al-Balagheh, H. 414, p. 1284)
In continuation of the lasting service of building 114 housing units for rural orphans in Hormozgan province in the sixth phase of Sayeh Rizvan, with the construction operations carried out, this project has reached 65% progress so far. It is worth mentioning that so far, a total of eighty one billion rials has been spent for the construction of units for rural orphans in Hormozgan province by the valuable benefactors of Ashraf al-Anbia (G) charity organization.

In this lasting work, 114 rural orphanages, 350 people will benefit from housing services, and the number of orphans benefited from housing services is 236 orphans. 1402 to be put into operation. God willing
And we would like to thank all the good founders who work to advance the holy goals and take responsibility in the position of serving our honorable countrymen. May God's blessings be upon you for portraying love and kindness with your unique efforts.

Other news of Ashraf Al-Anbiya (G) charity organization

Posted 7 months ago

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