Here is the translation of the provided text into English:
"God commands justice and benevolence." (Surah An-Nahl, Verse 90)
Reza Shamirani, the Chairman of the Board of the Ashraf al-Anbiya (PBUH) Charity, visited the construction process of 30 rural housing units for orphans in the Sistan and Baluchestan province over two consecutive days.
The construction of 30 safe housing units, a lasting service with the grace of God, began on December 1st in the cities and districts of Hirmand, Hamoon, Plan, Dashtyari, and Konarak, targeting 96 orphans and 28 single mothers. So far, the project has achieved an average physical progress of 12%.
You are the heirs of kindness, and with every building you construct, you leave behind a story of love and sacrifice for the dignified suffering, a legacy for the next generation.
May your kindness be eternal.
ارسال شده 1 ماه پیش