International standards of NGOs , NGO BENCHMARKING -
Ashraf-Ol-Anbia(G) charity attempted to receive certificate of NGOs to compliance with national and international standards . NGO’s international standards certification (NGO BENCHMARKING) was awarded in june 2013 by the Swiss SGS inspection .
7 main criterions of international standard(NGO BENCHMARKING) are
Board of Trustees -
Strategic framework and communication -
Fund-Raising , Resource Allocation and financial controls -
Operations and outcomes -
Human Resources -
Integrity management and financial resources -
Continuous improvement -
That international certificate can be issued after audit by the independent auditors of NGOs in compliance with these criteria and requirements.
Quality Management System International Standard ISO 9001- V 2008 -
Ashraf-Ol-Anbia(G) charity was awarded international certificate of quality management system ISO 9001 – V 2008 by Swisscert that has been implemented in order to maintain the quality level of management ,services and quality improvement through reform processes . ISO 9001 – edition 2008 standard for all right that organization management system audit by impartial third party and all processes adopted with these standards .
ارسال شده 5 سال پیش