غیر فعال سازی پیش نمایش

His birthday is the birth of spring; It is the birth of water and the birth of all purity and clarity.

His birthday is a blessing in every way. Because it is a continuation of the path of the prophets. Fatima is the path of the prophets.

Simultaneously with the birth anniversary of Hazrat Sedigheh Kobra, Hazrat Fatemeh (PBUH), Ashraf Al-Anbia (PBUH) Charity Foundation credited a gift card (electronic store e-card) to 185 mothers of the head of the household under their support in the amount of nine hundred and fifty million Rials.

Households supported by charity, while maintaining their dignity, can select and prepare the required items according to their taste by visiting the nearest chain store of the contracting party.

Anniversary of the birth of Hazrat Zahra (PBUH) to the mothers who are the head of the family who are always trying to provide the best life for their children in the absence of their father, may this strong, powerful and praiseworthy lioness

ارسال شده 2 سال پیش

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