غیر فعال سازی پیش نمایش

In Surah Hajj verse 37, God has clearly spoken about His needlessness towards sacrifice and considered it piety and said: Their flesh and blood will never reach God, but your piety will reach Him.

Ashraf al-Anbia charity organization (G) with the grace of God and the support of you generous benefactors, in compliance with Sharia standards and health principles, slaughtered 13 sheep (sacrifice and aqeeqah) of benefactors' offerings.

The total of people's offerings for sacrifice and aqeeqah was one billion eight hundred million rials.

It is worth mentioning that the resulting meat is stored in completely hygienic packages in the charity's cold room and is delivered to the orphans and the deprived under the charity's support as soon as possible by the charity's work unit.

Your green presence in this spiritual gathering, which is blessed by giving and sacrificing money for orphans and deprivation, will lead to a good outcome for you kind people. O Lord, accept the good deeds of all the founders. God willing

Your love is eternal...

The news of providing services to the supported families of Tehran province

ارسال شده 2 ماه پیش

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